(cont_type, disc_type)[source]¶ Stores and plots nonlinear Fourier spectra.
The following attributes can be set/read by the user:
- xi : np.array(float)
- Nonlinear frequency grid (a vector).
- cont : np.array(complex)
- Vector specficying the continuous spectrum at the nonlinear frequencies in xi. Has to be of the type specified during construction.
- bound_states : np.array(complex)
- Vector containing the bound states (eigenvalues).
- normconsts : np.array(complex)
- Vector specifying the residues (b/a’) or norming constants (b) for each of the bound states.
- xi_plot_range : np.array(float)
- Vector of length two with xi_plot_range[0]<xi_plot_range[1]. Speficies the xi range shown when the continuous spectrum is plotted using show(). The default is an empty vector [], in which case no range are set.
- bound_state_plot_range : np.array(float)
- Vector of length four of the form [re_min, re_max, im_min, im_max]. Speficies the range of real/imaginary parts for the bound states when the bound states are plotted using show(). The default is an empty vector [], in which case no ranges are set.
(cont_type, disc_type)[source]¶ Constructor. Initializes all attributes mentioned above except cont_type and disc_type to empty values.
¶ list of weak references to the object (if defined)
¶ Type of the continuous spectrum stored in this object (read-only, set during construction).
Returns: - “none” (str) – if no continuous spectrum is stored.
- ”b/a” (str) – if the continuous spectrum is a reflection coefficient.
- ”b” (str) – if the continuous spectrum is a b-coefficient.
¶ Type of the discrete spectrum stored in this object (read-only, set during construction).
Returns: - “none” (str) – if no discrete spectrum is stored.
- ”b/a’” (str) – if the discrete spectrum contains eigenvalues and residues.
- ”b” (str) – if the discrete spectrum contains eigenvalues and norming constants.
(new_fig=False, title=None, legend=None)[source]¶ Plots the nonlinear Fourier spectrum stored in this object. This routine can be called repeatedly, in which several plots are shown in the same figure.
Parameters: Returns: Figure object, only if new_fig==True.
Return type: matplotlib.figure object
(ax, legend=None)[source]¶ Plots the angle (phase) of the continous spectrum.
Parameters: - ax (matplotlib.axes object) – Axes used for plotting.
- legend (array(str)) – Array of legend entries. If None, no legend is added.