Getting Started

NFDMLab is organized around Example classes. Each example bundles the details of a fiber-optic transmission simulation. We now discuss how examples are loaded and run, how the generated data can be analyzed, and how examples can be modified.

Loading Existing Examples

Users can create a instance of an existing example class in order to perform simulations. For example:

import Examples
ex = Example.BuelowArefIdler2016()

A list of existing examples is provided under Examples.

Running an Example

Any example class is derived from Examples.BaseExample. Simulations can be performed using the method, which every example class inherits from BaseExample. For example:

tx_data, rx_data = # 5 is the number of bursts

The dictionaries tx_data and rx_data contain time- and nonlinear frequency domain descriptions of the fiber inputs and fiber outputs together with the transmitted and received symbols. See the documentation of the run method for more information.

Evaluating Simulation Results

The method Examples.BaseExample.evaluate_results() can be used for a quick analysis of the simulation results stored in tx_data and rx_data. For example:

ex.evaluate_results(tx_data, rx_data)

This will generate some plots and print some information about the transmission.

The classes in Quality Assessment can be used for custom analyses. For example:

from QualityAssessment import BitErrorRatio
ber = BitErrorRate(ex.constellation)
ber_value, n_err, n_bits = ber.compute(tx_data["symbols"], rx_data["symbols"])
print("The bit error ratio is", ber_value)

Changing Examples

Examples can be reconfigured by changing their public attributes and calling the reconfigure method. For example:

ex.constellation = "PSK"
ex.constellation_level = 8

We could now rerun the simulation as described above. The Examples page provides information about the public attributes provided by each example class.

Writing Own Examples

You can write own examples by defining a new example class that is derived from Examples.BaseExample. Please read the documentation of BaseExample and its methods to learn what your example class should implement.