Source code for Links.SMFSplitStep

# This file is part of NFDMLab.
# NFDMLab is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the version 2 of the GNU General
# Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# NFDMLab is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
# License along with NFDMLab; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# 02111-1307 USA
# Contributors:
# Sander Wahls (TU Delft) 2018-2019
# Marius Brehler (TU Dortmund) 2018-2019

from Links import BaseLink
from Links._ssprop import _ssprop

import numpy as np
from scipy.constants import Planck

[docs]class SMFSplitStep(BaseLink): """Simulates a link with one or several single mode fiber spans connected by EDFA or Raman amplifiers using a split step method based on SSPROP. Only a single polarization is simulated. Contributions from the other polarization to the ASE noise are not included. """
[docs] def __init__(self, dt, dz, nz, alpha=0.0, beta2=1.0, gamma=-1.0, verbose=False, n_spans=1, post_boost=False, noise=False, noise_figure=3, center_frequency = 193.1e12): """Constructor. Parameters ---------- dt : float Time step in s. dz : float Spatial step in m. nz : int Number of spatial steps for one fiber span. alpha : float or numpy.array(float) Fiber loss coefficient in 1/m. It is possible to pass a vector of length nz in order to specify an individual loss coefficient for each of the segments of a span. Noise-free Raman amplification can be implemented using this feature. beta2 : float Fiber dispersion coefficient in s**2/m. gamma : float Fiber nonlinearity coefficient in (W m)**(-1). verbose : bool Set to True for diagnostic ouputs. n_spans : int Number of fiber spans in the link. post_boost : bool Accumulated fiber loss is compensated with a gain at the end of each fiber span if True. Requires alpha to be a scalar. EDFA amplification can be implemented using this feature. noise : bool Add amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) noise at the end of each fiber span. EDFA amplification can be implemented using this feature. noise_figure : float Noise figure in dB for determining the ASE noise if noise==True. center_frequency : float Center frequency in Hz for determining the ASE noise if noise==True. """ BaseLink.__init__(self) self._dt = dt self._dz = dz self._nz = nz self._alpha = alpha *np.log(10)*0.05 self._gain = self._dz * self._nz * alpha self._beta2 = beta2 self._gamma = gamma self._verbose = verbose self._n_spans = n_spans self._post_boost = post_boost self._noise = noise self._noise_figure = noise_figure self._center_frequency = center_frequency self._span_length = nz*dz self._n_spans = n_spans
def _ASE_noise_power(self): '''Returns the amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) power using the equations 7.2.11 and 7.2.15 in the 4th edition of "Fiber-Optic Communication Systems" by G. P. Agrawal (Wiley 2010).''' if self._noise == False: return 0.0 G = 10**(self._gain/10.0) Fn = 10**(self._noise_figure/10.0) n_sp = (G*Fn - 1.0)/2.0/(G - 1.0) return np.max([0, n_sp * Planck * self._center_frequency * (G - 1)]) def _ASE_noise(self, n_samples): '''Generates a vector of white Gaussian noise whose variance is the ASE noise power times the simulation bandwidth.''' wgn = np.sqrt(0.5)*(np.random.randn(n_samples) + 1j*np.random.randn(n_samples)) # The expected power of c*wgn, where c>0 is t.b.d., is # # P1 = E[|c*wgn[0]|**2+...+|c*wgn[n_samples-1]|^2]/n_samples = c^2 # # We want this to be equal to the integral of S_ASE(f) = ASE_noise_power # over the simulation bandwidth 1/dt, i.e., P2 = self._ASE_noise_power() / self._dt # Solving P1=c^2=P2 for c leads to c = np.sqrt(P2) return c*wgn def _ASE_noise_sanity_check(self): '''Plots an averaged periodogram of the ASE noise.''' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig = plt.figure() N = 2**18 K = 100 X2 = np.zeros(N) for k in range(0, K): X2 += np.abs(np.fft.fft(self._ASE_noise(N)))**2 * self._dt / N X2 /= (K - 1) f = np.fft.fftfreq(N, 1/self._dt) plt.semilogy(f, X2) plt.title("The PSD should be flat at {}".format(self._ASE_noise_power()))
[docs] def transmit(self, input): # Docstring is inherited from base class. if self._n_spans == 1: uu = _ssprop(input, self._dt, self._dz, self._nz, self._alpha, [0., 0., -self._beta2], -self._gamma) if self._post_boost == True: if self._alpha.size != 1: raise Exception('alpha array not supported together with boost') uu *= np.exp(self._gain*np.log(10)*0.05) uu += self._ASE_noise(np.size(uu)) else: uu = input for span_i in range(0,self._n_spans): uu = _ssprop(uu, self._dt, self._dz, self._nz, self._alpha, [0., 0., -self._beta2], -self._gamma) if self._verbose: print("Finished span",span_i+1) if self._post_boost == True: if self._alpha.size != 1: raise Exception('alpha array not supported together with boost') uu *= np.exp(self._gain*np.log(10)*0.05) uu += self._ASE_noise(np.size(uu)) return uu