Source code for Examples.BuelowArefIdler2016

# This file is part of NFDMLab.
# NFDMLab is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the version 2 of the GNU General
# Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# NFDMLab is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
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# Contributors:
# Sander Wahls (TU Delft) 2018-2019
# Shrinivas Chimmalgi (TU Delft) 2018

import numpy as np
import math

from Examples import BaseExample

[docs]class BuelowArefIdler2016(BaseExample): '''This example loosely recreates the experiment presented in the paper "Transmission of Waveforms Determined by 7 Eigenvalues with PSK-Modulated Spectral Amplitudes" by H. Buelow, V. Aref and W. Idler presented at the 42nd European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC 2016).''' def __init__(self): # Fiber parameters self.beta2 = -5.75e-27 """Dispersion coefficient in s**2/m.""" self.gamma = 1.6e-3 """Nonlinearity coefficient in (W m)**(-1).""" self.Tscale = 4.5473e-11 """Time scale used during normalization in s.""" self.alpha = np.array([0.2e-3]) """Loss coefficient in 1/m.""" self.n_spans = 20 """Number of fiber spans.""" self.n_steps_per_span = 40 """Number of spatial steps per fiber span during simulations.""" self.fiber_span_length = 72e3 """Length of a fiber span in m.""" self.post_boost = True """Boost at end of each span (lumped amplification). True or False.""" self.path_average = True """Use path-average fiber parameters during normalization. True or False.""" self.noise = True """Add ASE noise (lumped amplification only). True or False.""" self.noise_figure = 3 """Noise figure in dB.""" # Receiver bandwidth self.tx_bandwidth = 33*1e9 """Bandwidth of the ideal low-pass at the transmitter in Hz.""" self.rx_bandwidth = 33*1e9 # Hz """Bandwidth of the ideal low-pass at the receiver in Hz.""" # Modulator parameters self.constellation_level = 4 """Level of the QAM constellation (4, 16, 256, ...).""" self.eigenvalues = np.array([0.45j-0.6, 0.3j-0.4, 0.45j-0.2, 0.3j, 0.45j+0.2, 0.3j+0.4, 0.45j+0.6]) """Eigenvalue pattern.""" self.residues_amplitude = np.exp(np.array([11.85, 7.06, 7.69, 3.81, 1.93, -0.62, -5.43])) """Spectral amplitudes for each of the eigenvalues. These values get multiplied with symbols drawn from the constellation before pulse generation). """ self.reconfigure()
[docs] def reconfigure(self): distance = self.n_spans*self.fiber_span_length #m assert(np.size(self.eigenvalues) == np.size(self.residues_amplitude)) T = np.array([-7*np.pi, 7*np.pi]) # Normalization if self.path_average == True: from Normalization import Lumped self._normalization = Lumped(self.beta2, self.gamma, self.Tscale, alpha=np.mean(self.alpha)*np.log(10)*0.1, zamp=self.fiber_span_length) else: from Normalization import Lossless self._normalization = Lossless(self.beta2, self.gamma, self.Tscale) # Constellation from Constellations import QAMConstellation m = int(math.sqrt(self.constellation_level)) assert self.constellation_level == m*m self._constellation = QAMConstellation(m, m) # Modulator from Modulators import DiscSpecModulator normalized_distance = self.normalization.norm_dist(distance) required_normalized_dt = (T[1] - T[0])/512 self._modulator = DiscSpecModulator(self.eigenvalues, self.residues_amplitude, normalized_distance, T, required_normalized_dt) # Link from Links import SMFSplitStep dt = self.normalization.denorm_time(self.modulator.normalized_dt) dz = self.fiber_span_length/self.n_steps_per_span nz = self.n_spans*self.n_steps_per_span self._link = SMFSplitStep(dt, dz, self.n_steps_per_span, self.alpha, self.beta2, self.gamma, False, self.n_spans, self.post_boost, self.noise, self.noise_figure) # Filters from Filters import PassThrough from Filters import FFTLowPass self._tx_filter = PassThrough() self._rx_filter = FFTLowPass(self.rx_bandwidth/2, dt)