Source code for Examples.BaseExample
# This file is part of NFDMLab.
# NFDMLab is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the version 2 of the GNU General
# Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# NFDMLab is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
# License along with NFDMLab; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# 02111-1307 USA
# Contributors:
# Sander Wahls (TU Delft) 2019
import numpy as np
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from Constellations import BaseConstellation
from Modulators import BaseModulator
from Links import BaseLink
from Normalization import BaseNormalization
from Filters import BaseFilter
from Helpers import NFSpectrum
from QualityAssessment import ErrorVectorMagnitude
from QualityAssessment import BitErrorRatio
from QualityAssessment import ConstellationDiagram
from QualityAssessment import ModulationEfficiency
import Helpers.plot as hplt
from Helpers import checked_get
[docs]class BaseExample(ABC):
"""Base class for examples. All example classes should be derived from this
An example class should set all parameters that users are encouraged to
change as public attributes during construction. The constructor should not
ask additional parameters from the user. After setting the attributes, the
constructor of the example class should configure itself by calling
reconfigure(). This method needs to be implemented by the example class
The reconfigure method should set the following private attributes based on
the public attributes of the example class set during construction:
- _constellation
- _modulator
- _link
- _normalization
- _tx_filter
- _rx_filter
Users are provided read-only access to these private attributes through the
properties constellation, modulator, link, normalization, tx_filter and
rx_filter, respectively, which are already implemented in this base class.
The private attributes above should be objects of a class derived from the
corresponding base classes, i.e., BaseConstellation, BaseModulator,
BaseLink, Normalization and BaseFilter, respectively.
Users should be able to change any of the public attributes set in the
constructor, after which they are expected to manually call reconfigure().
def constellation(self):
"""Provides read-only access to self._constellation."""
return checked_get(self, "_constellation", BaseConstellation)
def modulator(self):
"""Provides read-only access to self._modulator."""
return checked_get(self, "_modulator", BaseModulator)
def link(self):
"""Provides read-only access to self._link."""
return checked_get(self, "_link", BaseLink)
def normalization(self):
"""Provides read-only access to self._normalization."""
return checked_get(self, "_normalization", BaseNormalization)
def tx_filter(self):
"""Provides read-only access to self._tx_filter."""
return checked_get(self, "_tx_filter", BaseFilter)
def rx_filter(self):
"""Provides read-only access to self._rx_filter."""
return checked_get(self, "_rx_filter", BaseFilter)
[docs] @abstractmethod
def reconfigure():
"""Updates self._constellation, self._modulator, self._link,
self._normalization, self._tx_filter and self._rx_filter based on the
public attributes set in the constructor.
Any example needs to implement this."""
[docs] def prepare_fiber_input(self, n_blocks, seed=None):
"""Generates random fiber inputs that can be passed to
The function generates n_blocks pulses. For each pulse, it draws
self.modulator.n_symbols_per_block random symbols from the
constellation. It then uses the modulator to generate the corresponding
fiber inputs both in the time and nonlinear Fourier domain. The time
domain input is denormalized to real-world units using the
n_blocks : int
Number of blocks (pulses) to be generated.
seed : None or int
If not None, this seed is to initialize the random number generator.
tx_data : dictionary
Dictionary with the fields
"t" : numpy.array(float)
Vector of time points.
"q" : array
Array of length n_blocks containing the generated pulses q_tx(t).
Each element of the array is a numpy.array(complex) vector which
contains the values of q_tx(t) at the corresponding time
specified in the "t" field.
"nfspecs" : array
Array containing the nonlinear Fourier spectra of the generated
pulses. Each element of the array is a NFSpectrum object.
"symbols" : array
Array containing the tx symbols. Each entry of the array is a
numpy.array(complex) vector that the contains the symbols
modulated into the corresponding pulse q(t).
"n_blocks" : int
Number of blocks that was provided to this function.
modulator = self.modulator
constellation = self.constellation
normalization = self.normalization
n_symbols_per_block = modulator.n_symbols_per_block
D = modulator.n_samples
tx_data = {}
tx_data["t"] = normalization.denorm_time(np.arange(0, n_blocks*D)
* modulator.normalized_dt)
tx_data["q"] = np.zeros(n_blocks*D, dtype=complex)
tx_data["nfspecs"] = []
tx_data["symbols"] = np.zeros(n_blocks*n_symbols_per_block,
rng = np.random.RandomState(seed)
for n in range(0, n_blocks):
symbol_indices_tx = rng.randint(0, constellation.size(),
symbols_tx_block = constellation.idx2symbol(symbol_indices_tx)
(q_tx_block, nfspec_tx_block) = modulator.modulate(symbols_tx_block)
tx_data["q"][n*D:(n+1)*D] = q_tx_block
tx_data["symbols"][n*n_symbols_per_block:(n+1)*n_symbols_per_block] = symbols_tx_block
tx_data["q"] = self.tx_filter.filter(tx_data["q"])
tx_data["q"] = normalization.denorm_field(tx_data["q"])
tx_data["n_blocks"] = n_blocks
return tx_data
[docs] def transceive_fiber_input(self, tx_data):
"""Transmits and demodulates fiber inputs generated by
The function concatenates the individual time domain pulses in tx_data
and transmits the results using the link. It then splits the received
signal again into blocks, denormalizes each block and estimates the
received symbols using the modulator.
tx_data : dictionary
Data generated by prepare_fiber_input()
Dictionary with the fields
"t" : numpy.array(float)
Vector of time points (in secs)
"q" : array
Array of length n_blocks containing the fiber outputs q_rx(t).
Each element of the array is a numpy.array(complex) vector which
contains the values of q_rx(t) at the corresponding time specified
in the "t" field.
"nfspecs" : array
Array containing the nonlinear Fourier spectra of the received
pulses. Each element of the array is a NFSpectrum object.
"symbols" : array
Array containing the rx symbols. Each entry of the array is a
numpy.array(complex) vector that the contains the symbols
modulated into the corresponding pulse q_rx(t).
modulator = self.modulator
constellation = self.constellation
normalization = self.normalization
n_symbols_per_block = modulator.n_symbols_per_block
n_blocks = tx_data["n_blocks"]
D = modulator.n_samples
rx_data = {}
rx_data["t"] = tx_data["t"]
rx_data["q"] =["q"])
rx_data["q"] = self.rx_filter.filter(rx_data["q"])
rx_data["nfspecs"] = []
rx_data["symbols"] = np.zeros(n_blocks*n_symbols_per_block,
for n in range(0, n_blocks):
q_rx_block_norm = normalization.norm_field(rx_data["q"][n*D:(n+1)*D])
(symbols_rx_block, nfspec_rx_block) = modulator.demodulate(q_rx_block_norm)
rx_data["symbols"][n*n_symbols_per_block:(n+1)*n_symbols_per_block] = symbols_rx_block
return rx_data
[docs] def run(self, n_blocks, seed=None):
"""This function performs a complete simulation. It first calls
prepare_fiber_inputs() to generate the tx_data, passes it
transceive_fiber_input() in order to obtain rx_data, and returns both.
n_blocks : int
See the documentation of prepare_fiber_input()
seed : int
See the documentation of prepare_fiber_input()
tx_data : dictionary
See the description of prepare_fiber_input(...).
rx_data : dictionary
See the description of transceive_fiber_input(...).
tx_data = self.prepare_fiber_input(n_blocks, seed)
rx_data = self.transceive_fiber_input(tx_data)
return tx_data, rx_data
[docs] def evaluate_results(self, tx_data, rx_data):
"""Evaluates the results of a simulation by showing several plots and
printing some key measures to the console.
tx_data : dictionary
Fiber input data generated by run() or prepare_fiber_inputs()
rx_data : dictionary
Fiber output data generated by run() or transceive_fiber_inputs()
hplt.plot_q(tx_data["t"], tx_data["q"], "Fiber input", new_fig=True)
hplt.plot_q(rx_data["t"], rx_data["q"], "Fiber output", new_fig=True)
tx_data["nfspecs"][0].show(new_fig=True, title="Nonlinear Fourier spectrum of the first block")
rx_data["nfspecs"][0].show(legend=["tx", "rx"])
constellation_diagram = ConstellationDiagram(self.constellation)
constellation_diagram.plot(rx_data["symbols"], new_fig=True)
error_vector_magnitude = ErrorVectorMagnitude()
evm = error_vector_magnitude.in_dB(tx_data["symbols"], rx_data["symbols"])
bit_error_ratio = BitErrorRatio(self.constellation)
ber, nerr, nbits = bit_error_ratio.compute(tx_data["symbols"], rx_data["symbols"])
modulation_efficiency = ModulationEfficiency()
eff, br, bw_rx = modulation_efficiency.compute(rx_data["t"], rx_data["q"], rx_data["q"], nerr, nbits)
_, _, bw_tx = modulation_efficiency.compute(tx_data["t"], tx_data["q"], tx_data["q"], 0, 1)
tx_power_level = np.mean(np.abs(rx_data["q"])**2)
tx_power_level_in_dBm = 10*np.log10(tx_power_level / 0.001)
link_length = *
block_duration = (tx_data["t"][-1] - tx_data["t"][0])/tx_data["n_blocks"]
bw_sim = 1 / (tx_data["t"][1] - tx_data["t"][0])
print("Link length =", link_length*1e-3, "km")
print("Nonlinear length =",["q"])*1e-3, "km")
print("Span length =",*1e-3, "km")
print("Block duration =", block_duration*1e9, "ns")
print("Tx Power Level =", tx_power_level_in_dBm, "dBm")
print("Tx signal bandwidth = ", bw_tx*1e-9, "GHz")
print("Rx signal bandwidth = ", bw_rx*1e-9, "GHz")
print("Simulation bandwidth = ", bw_sim*1e-9, "GHz")
print("Gross bit rate =", br*1e-9, "Gbit/s")
print("Modulation efficiency =", eff, "bits/s/Hz")
print("Bit error ratio (uncoded) =", ber)
print("Error vector magnitude =", evm, "dB")