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fnft_nsep_opts_t Struct Reference

Stores additional options for the routine fnft_nsep. More...

#include <fnft_nsep.h>

Public Attributes

fnft_nsep_loc_t localization
fnft_nsep_filt_t filtering
FNFT_REAL bounding_box [4]
FNFT_UINT max_evals
fnft_nse_discretization_t discretization
FNFT_INT normalization_flag
FNFT_REAL floquet_range [2]
FNFT_UINT points_per_spine

Detailed Description

Stores additional options for the routine fnft_nsep.

Use the fnft_nsep_default_opts routine in order to generate a new variable of this type with default options and modify as needed.

Member Data Documentation

◆ bounding_box


Array of four reals. Defines a box in the complex plane that is used for filtering:
bounding_box[0] <= real(lambda) <= bounding_box[1]
bounding_box[2] <= imag(lambda) <= bounding_box[3]

◆ discretization


◆ Dsub


Approximate number of samples after subsampling when SUBSAMPLE_AND_REFINE is used during localization. See fnft_nsep_loc_t. When set to zero (default), the algorithm will choose Dsub automatically such that the complexity of finding initial guesses is O(D log^2 D).

◆ filtering


Controls how both the main spectrum and the auxiliary spectrum are filtered. It is recommended to use MANUAL filtering as accurate filtering reduces the runtime of the routine.
Should be of type fnft_nsep_filt_t.

◆ floquet_range


Array of two reals. The mainspec variable will contain the z that solve Delta(z)=rhs, where Delta(z)=0.5 trace{monodromy matrix(z)} and rhs is varied over a equidistant grid of fnft_nsep_opts_t::points_per_spine values with the first grid point being floquet_range[0] and last grid point being floquet_range[1]. By default, floquet_range={-1,1} and points_per_spine=2, which corresponds to the conventional main spectrum (=endpoints of spines). By choosing more points_per_spine, one can determine the spines (or bands) connecting the points in the main spectrum.

◆ localization


Controls how both the main spectrum and the auxiliary main spectrum points are localized.
Should be of type fnft_nsep_loc_t.

◆ max_evals


Maximum number of function evaluations per root allowed for the refinement step during localization. Note that this is not necessarily the number of Newton iterations as Newton's method for higher order roots is used for some parts of the spectra.

◆ normalization_flag


◆ points_per_spine


◆ tol


Tolerance used to stop the refinement of main and auxiliary spectrum. Should be positive or -1. In latter case, the algorithm chooses the tolerance.

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