Files | Macros | Typedefs
Macros for numerical operations

This module contains macros to work with the numerical data types FNFT_INT, FNFT_UINT, FNFT_REAL and FNFT_COMPLEX. The purpose of these macros is to make changing one of these data types as simple as possible. More...


file  fnft_numtypes.h


#define FNFT_NAN   NAN
#define FNFT_FABS(X)   fabs(X)
#define FNFT_SQRT(X)   sqrt(X)
#define FNFT_COS(X)   cos(X)
#define FNFT_SIN(X)   sin(X)
#define FNFT_SINH(X)   sinh(X)
#define FNFT_COSH(X)   cosh(X)
#define FNFT_ATAN(X)   atan(X)
#define FNFT_LOG(X)   log(X)
#define FNFT_LOG2(X)   log2(X)
#define FNFT_POW(X, Y)   pow(X, Y)
#define FNFT_GAMMA(X)   tgamma(X)
#define FNFT_PI   acos(-1.0)
#define FNFT_FLOOR(X)   floor(X)
#define FNFT_ROUND(X)   round(X)
#define FNFT_CEIL(X)   ceil(X)
#define FNFT_HYPOT(X, Y)   hypot(X,Y)
#define FNFT_CREAL(X)   creal(X)
#define FNFT_CIMAG(X)   cimag(X)
#define FNFT_CABS(X)   cabs(X)
#define FNFT_CARG(X)   carg(X)
#define FNFT_CONJ(X)   conj(X)
#define FNFT_CPOW(X, Y)   cpow(X,Y)
#define FNFT_CEXP(X)   cexp(X)
#define FNFT_CLOG(X)   clog(X)
#define FNFT_CSQRT(X)   csqrt(X)
#define FNFT_CSINH(X)   csinh(X)
#define FNFT_CCOSH(X)   ccosh(X)


typedef double FNFT_REAL
typedef double complex FNFT_COMPLEX
typedef int32_t FNFT_INT
typedef size_t FNFT_UINT

Detailed Description

This module contains macros to work with the numerical data types FNFT_INT, FNFT_UINT, FNFT_REAL and FNFT_COMPLEX. The purpose of these macros is to make changing one of these data types as simple as possible.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define FNFT_ATAN (   X)    atan(X)

Arc tangent of a FNFT_REAL.


#define FNFT_CABS (   X)    cabs(X)

Absolute value of a FNFT_COMPLEX.


#define FNFT_CARG (   X)    carg(X)

Argument of a FNFT_COMPLEX.


#define FNFT_CCOSH (   X)    ccosh(X)

Complex hyperbolic cosine of a FNFT_COMPLEX.


#define FNFT_CEIL (   X)    ceil(X)

Rounds a FNFT_REAL) to the nearest larger or equal integer (expressed as a FNFT_REAL).


#define FNFT_CEXP (   X)    cexp(X)

Complex exponential of a FNFT_COMPLEX.


#define FNFT_CIMAG (   X)    cimag(X)

Imaginary part of a FNFT_COMPLEX.


#define FNFT_CLOG (   X)    clog(X)

Complex natural logarithm of a FNFT_COMPLEX.


#define FNFT_CONJ (   X)    conj(X)

Complex conjugate of a FNFT_COMPLEX.


#define FNFT_COS (   X)    cos(X)

Cosine of a FNFT_REAL.


#define FNFT_COSH (   X)    cosh(X)

Cosh of a FNFT_REAL.


#define FNFT_CPOW (   X,
)    cpow(X,Y)

Power X^Y of two FNFT_COMPLEX.


#define FNFT_CREAL (   X)    creal(X)

Real part of a FNFT_COMPLEX.


#define FNFT_CSINH (   X)    csinh(X)

Complex hyperbolic sine of a FNFT_COMPLEX.


#define FNFT_CSQRT (   X)    csqrt(X)

Complex square root of a FNFT_COMPLEX.



Machine precision of FNFT_REAL.


#define FNFT_FABS (   X)    fabs(X)

Absolute value of a FNFT_REAL.


#define FNFT_FLOOR (   X)    floor(X)

Rounds a FNFT_REAL) to the nearest smaller or equal integer (expressed as a FNFT_REAL).


#define FNFT_GAMMA (   X)    tgamma(X)

Gamma function of a FNFT_REAL.


#define FNFT_HYPOT (   X,
)    hypot(X,Y)

Computes sqrt(X*X+Y*Y) for two FNFT_REAL.





#define FNFT_LOG (   X)    log(X)

Natural logarithm of a FNFT_REAL.


#define FNFT_LOG2 (   X)    log2(X)

Base two logarithm of a FNFT_REAL.


#define FNFT_NAN   NAN

Not-a-number for FNFT_REAL.


#define FNFT_PI   acos(-1.0)

FNFT_REAL) that contains \( \pi \) up to machine precision.


#define FNFT_POW (   X,
)    pow(X, Y)

Power X^Y of two FNFT_REAL.


#define FNFT_ROUND (   X)    round(X)

Rounds a FNFT_REAL) to the nearest integer (expressed as a FNFT_REAL).


#define FNFT_SIN (   X)    sin(X)

Sine of a FNFT_REAL.


#define FNFT_SINH (   X)    sinh(X)

Sinh of a FNFT_REAL.


#define FNFT_SQRT (   X)    sqrt(X)

Square root of a FNFT_REAL.

Typedef Documentation


typedef double complex FNFT_COMPLEX

The complex floating point data type used by FNFT.


typedef int32_t FNFT_INT

The signed integer used by FNFT.


typedef double FNFT_REAL

The floating point data type used by FNFT.


typedef size_t FNFT_UINT

The unsigned integer used by FNFT.