NFDMLAB: Simulating Nonlinear Frequency Division Multiplexing in Python ======================================================================= NFDMLab is an open source software environment that simulates fiber-optic data transmissions using nonlinear Fourier transforms. The goals and architecture of NFDMLab are described in the accompanying software paper: M. Brehler, C. Mahnke, S. Chimmalgi and S. Wahls, `"NFDMLab: Simulating Nonlinear Frequency Division Multiplexing in Python," `_ Optical Networking and Communication Conference & Exhibition (OFC), paper M3Z.13, Mar. 2019. First Steps ----------- To get a first impression of NFDMLab, please check out the :doc:`videos`. To get started, follow the :doc:`installation` instructions and read the :doc:`getting_started` document. Later, you might want to work through the :doc:`code_doc`. Reporting Bugs and Getting Help ------------------------------- Please use the `issue tracker `_ to report any problems with NFDMLab. Emails might be ignored. Contributing ------------ If you wrote a new example, component, fixed a bug or improved the documentation, and would like to see it included in NFDMLab, please get in touch! License ------- NFDMLab is provided under the terms of the `GNU General Public License, version 2 `_. Acknowledgements ---------------- - This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 716669). - Fiber-topic transmissions are simulated using a slightly modified port of `SSPROP `_. - Alexander Geisler has contributed a Raman gain profile. Further reading --------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 installation getting_started code_doc videos Indices and tables ------------------ * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`