Classes | Enumerations | Functions
fnft_nsev_inverse.h File Reference

Fast inverse nonlinear Fourier transform for the vanishing nonlinear Schroedinger equation. More...

#include "fnft__errwarn.h"
#include "fnft__nse_fscatter.h"
#include "fnft__poly_chirpz.h"
#include "fnft__nse_finvscatter.h"
#include "fnft__fft_wrapper.h"
#include "fnft__poly_specfact.h"
#include "fnft__misc.h"
#include "fnft__nse_scatter.h"
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struct  fnft_nsev_inverse_opts_t
 Stores additional options for the routine fnft_nsev_inverse. More...


enum  fnft_nsev_inverse_cstype_t { fnft_nsev_inverse_cstype_REFLECTION_COEFFICIENT, fnft_nsev_inverse_cstype_B_OF_XI, fnft_nsev_inverse_cstype_B_OF_TAU }
enum  fnft_nsev_inverse_dstype_t { fnft_nsev_inverse_dstype_NORMING_CONSTANTS, fnft_nsev_inverse_dstype_RESIDUES }
enum  fnft_nsev_inverse_csmethod_t { fnft_nsev_inverse_csmethod_DEFAULT, fnft_nsev_inverse_csmethod_TFMATRIX_CONTAINS_REFL_COEFF, fnft_nsev_inverse_csmethod_TFMATRIX_CONTAINS_AB_FROM_ITER, fnft_nsev_inverse_csmethod_USE_SEED_POTENTIAL_INSTEAD }


fnft_nsev_inverse_opts_t fnft_nsev_inverse_default_opts ()
 Creates a new options variable for fnft_nsev_inverse with default settings. More...
FNFT_INT fnft_nsev_inverse_XI (const FNFT_UINT D, FNFT_REAL const *const T, const FNFT_UINT M, FNFT_REAL *const XI, const fnft_nse_discretization_t discretization)
 Determines the locations of the first and last sample of the grid that has to be used when providing a continuous spectrum to fnft_nsev_inverse. More...
FNFT_INT fnft_nsev_inverse (const FNFT_UINT M, FNFT_COMPLEX *const contspec, FNFT_REAL const *const XI, FNFT_UINT const K, FNFT_COMPLEX const *const bound_states, FNFT_COMPLEX const *const normconsts_or_residues, const FNFT_UINT D, FNFT_COMPLEX *const q, FNFT_REAL const *const T, const FNFT_INT kappa, fnft_nsev_inverse_opts_t *opts_ptr)
 Fast inverse nonlinear Fourier transform for the nonlinear Schroedinger equation with vanishing boundary conditions. More...

Detailed Description

Fast inverse nonlinear Fourier transform for the vanishing nonlinear Schroedinger equation.